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Stay Ahead with Smart Compliance

Navigating new legislation and regulations is now easier than ever with KeyTerms, a dynamic tool designed to keep in-house lawyers one step ahead. KeyTerms Compliance offers a seamless approach to identifying relevant legal changes and understanding their impact on your business.


Proactive Compliance: Adapt quickly to legal changes and mitigate risks.

KeyTerms Compliance: How it Works


Describe Your Business Model: Start by inputting your business activities description into KeyTerms Compliance


AI-Driven Search: Our AI agent scans through designated legal websites daily to find new regulations.


Relevant Insights Delivered: The AI outlines relevant regulations and their potential impacts on your business.


Continuous Monitoring: The process repeats daily, ensuring you're always informed with the latest legal updates.


Organised Legal Register: All detected regulations and laws are logged in a user-specific register on your portal.


Verify Relevance: Easily delete irrelevant regulations after human verification.


Document Compliance: Upload evidence directly into the software to demonstrate your organisation’s compliance actions.

Join the Waiting List for KeyTerms Compliance

Transform how your legal team manages compliance with KeyTerms, making processes more efficient, accurate, and streamlined. Join our waiting list today to be among the first to see how our platform can simplify your legislative monitoring and compliance efforts.

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